The foundation for high-quality voice recording is sophisticated technology. When the voice and technology are in harmony with each other, the ideal tone quality is achieved. My own recording studio consists of a roomy Studiobox Pro voice-over booth, with 5m² of interior space. This guarantees a very good room sound, as smaller spaces often sound very “clean” or “dead”. The studio is also equipped with a Neumann TLM 102 microphone, an SPL Track One preamplifier and a Focusrite 2i4 interface. Together a highly experienced sound engineer, I tested different microphones by sending test recordings to various studios, of course, without mentioning what each type of microphone was 😉. And lo and behold: 5 out of 5 professional sound engineers shared our opinion: From the very beginning, our favourite among the microphones was the Neumann TLM 102 and all of the student engineers felt the same! It offers the best fit to my voice. We are a happy and harmonious dream team, especially with the addition of the highly reliable Track ONE preamplifier from SPL.